Our Membership Packages
Our mission is simple, we exist to help businesses of all sizes (although we do have a focus on SME’s, micro businesses, and sole traders) to better protect themselves in the fight against cybercrime
Paid options are per annum.*
A free 30 minute review with the centre’s Head of Cyber and Innovation on your current cyber set up.
Access to free resources, tools and guidance designed to help your business start its cyber security journey including resources from the National Cyber Security Centre.
A Board Toolkit - Resources designed to encourage essential cyber security discussions between the Board and their technical experts.
A bi-weekly update containing short tips and tricks.
10 Steps to Cyber Security - The steps enable businesses to break down the task of protecting their cyber security, by looking at 10 key components.
Exercise in a Box, a suite of exercises based around real world scenarios designed to allow businesses to test their response and approach to each given scenario.
Invites to all WMCRC webinars, roadshows, and conferences.
A monthly newsletter full of tips, tricks, and resources to help you tackle current cyber threats and trends
Core Membership
Community Ambassadors
All Core membership features plus:
Use of the WMCRC logo on your website.
A listing under “Who we work with” on WMCRC Website, including a link to your website.
Bespoke newsletter article to make our offer available to your supply chain, including webinar participation if required.
One feature per year in our e-newsletter to present your company’s offering to our members.
One news article per year written for your business’s external channels on a trending cyber topic of your choice.
A member’s breakfast networking event to take place twice a year.
Gold Membership
All Core and Affiliate membership features plus:
10% discount on student services.
Two social media releases about your membership, your company’s offer, and your contribution to WMCRC.
One additional entry into e-news to present your company’s offering to our members.
A member’s breakfast networking event to take place twice a year.
Platinum Membership
All Core, Affiliate and Gold membership features plus
15% discount on one of our cyber services.
One joint event per year to a target audience.
An introduction to our Cyber Essentials Partner network to discuss shared agendas and business opportunities.
A one-month WMCRC social media campaign, based on NCSC guidance to align with your own objectives and marketing strategy.
A member’s breakfast networking event to take place twice a year